Saturday, July 23, 2011

Genetics and James Churchward's Theories - an update

While I recently mentioned that all of James' theories could not be dismissed out of hand, I should have also said that James' theories can't be accepted without critical examination.
One instance is the recently published article, "All Non-Africans Part Neanderthal, Genetics Confirm"

James printed this passage in his 1926, Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men:
Now I shall follow ancient man around the world and, by the written records which he has left behind in every country, show beyond controversy the geographical position of Mu. I shall make the start from the United States of North America, because North America and eastern Asia were the two countries where man made his first settlements away from the Motherland.
In their excitement over the discovery of a few old human bones, such as the Neanderthal, Piltdown, and Heidelberg man, scientists, in both Europe and America, have completely ignored and cast aside the remains of ancient man in North America. That the European remains were those of idiots and degenerates is obvious from the abnormal shapes of their skulls. Doubtless they were outcasts from civilized communities. From Valmiki, Druidical works, the Popol Vuh and other ancient writings we learn that such characters were driven into the forests, there to live and die like the beasts. It would appear from many ancient writings that the usual method of disposing of bodies was by cremation, consequently there remained no trace of those whose bones had been consumed by fire.
Churchward, Jack; "Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men"; 2011; page 171.

As the title of the article so succinctly states, 'all non-African humans have Neanderthal DNA.'

The article contains scientific findings that may or may not be believed. On the surface it appears that only Africans have pure human blood and that the remainder of humans are actually not completely human. That kind of sets some racial theories on their heads...

Jack Churchward
Clearwater, Florida