Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Old Map - New Interpretation (?)

Recently I was sent a link to a website entitled, "Map of the Creator." The link was sent along by a friend from Elle Ayat, the Central Asian healing system pioneered by an ethnic Uighur gentleman named Abdullaev Farhata Muhamedovicha (or Farhata) born in Aksu in 1937.

Abdullaev Farhata Muhamedovicha (or Farhata-ata), Founder of Elle Ayat

He has since passed on and I believe that he was selected by his Uyghur heritage - his genetics permitted him to access information that harkens back to the Great Uighur Empire. There is a mantra to chant that he purports changes consciousness, not just the person reciting the mantra, but others that he/she is connected with. My visit with Radik Kurbanov (October 2010) was described in the My-Mu.com podcast #23 and the mantra can be heard in the podcast. A followup was covered in this blog posting from early 2011.

The website includes two Pravda articles to say that the 3-D map is 120 million years old and that there was some form of writing on the enormous slabs. Originally it was thought that the inscription was Chinese, however closer examination indicates that is not the case.

So, is the 'Map of the Creator' proof positive that there was an ancient and formally unknown civilization in Central Asia?
Are the unidentified inscriptions similar to anything that James Churchward wrote about and described?
Is this map from the Great Uighur Empire as described by James Churchward?

I'll leave these questions for others to answer, but I would like to interject with some further thoughts.
1. James Churchward's theories include the hypothesis that the mountains were not raised until ten to twelve thousand (10,000 - 12,000) years ago. How could a map be made of mountains before they were raised?
2. If these maps are left behind from the cataclysm that destroyed the eastern half of the Great Uighur Empire, the inscriptions should resemble what James called 'Uighur-Maya' writing. According to James, all the people that left Mu in the peopling of the rest of the Earth were called 'Maya' and 'Uighur-Maya' denotes those individuals that traveled to Asia and formed Mu's Primary Colony, the Great Uighur Empire.

More information about the Great Uighur Empire is available on the My-Mu.com website. The direct link to the page is here.

Have a great day.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sunken Landmass(es) Found

Last month (Nov. 2011,) a report from the University of Sydney remarked that two sunken islands the size of Tasmania were found off the west coast of Australia. From Wikipedia, I learned that the area of the main island of Tasmania is a little over 24,000 square miles (62,409 sq. km.,) so these islands are not exactly small.

Entitled, "Sunken islands could cause tectonic shift in Gondwana story," the scientists noted that the finds were discovered almost a mile (1.5 km) beneath the surface and the expedition was able to collect samples. To provide a couple of quotes from the article:

"The sunken islands charted during the expedition have flat tops, which indicates they were once at sea level before being gradually submerged," said Dr Whittaker.

Dr Williams commented: "A detailed analysis of the rocks dredged up during the voyage will tell us about their age and how they fit into the Gondwana jigsaw."

This isn't the smoking gun for James Churchward's theory of a sunken Pacific Ocean continent that he called Mu, however it does provide more information about how the continents moved about the planet. From this we may be able to pinpoint the real location of the often hypothesized advanced ancient civilization.

These findings from the Southern Surveyor expedition have more to do with continental drift rather than other sunken features discussed previously.

For instance, in entries entitled, "James Churchward’s Western India Discovery?" and "Another Submerged Civilization Rises," evidence of man-made structures were found dating back to at least 8,000 years ago, sunken under water. Researchers in Florida are traveling miles out in the Gulf of Mexico to recover evidence of human habitation, so obviously we still do not know the complete story.

And earlier this year, Dale Drinnon posted information on the Darwin Rise entitled, "Lost Mu’s Geological Counterpart, The Darwin Rise," and "Another Darwin Rise Page."

There is a specific Geological structure recognised by science which corresponds to the continent of Mu as stated by James Churchward in his Lost Continent of Mu books and that structure is known as the Darwin Rise.

(climbing on soapbox)
The story was also covered in an article entitled, "Evidence Of Lost Continent Of Mu Found? Sunken Islands Could Cause Tectonic Shift In Gondwana Story" and actual information from the wikipedia entry on James Churchward or the 'Mu (lost continent)' was used. While a lot of James pronouncements have been shown to be inaccurate, it seems that the focus tends to highlight those points that time has proved incorrect. This isn't a defense of the inaccuracies, I don't shy away from disagreeing with my great-grandfather's theories. My point would be that James postulated a common ancestry of all human beings (which science shows us is true); that we are all born with a part of the divine spark that sets us apart from other creatures and that realization, coupled with our shared human existence should encourage human beings to 'get along.' This isn't a call for everyone to sit around a campfire and sing 'Kumbaya,' but certainly, if we used less angry words and walked a mile in our neighbor's moccasins, perhaps we could see a better tomorrow. Please don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.
(climbing down from soapbox)

Have a great day,
Jack E. Churchward

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

2011 My-Mu.com Research Update


This has been another busy and exciting year at My-Mu.com, your source for information on James Churchward and his theories of a lost Pacific Ocean continent that he called Mu.

Let's discuss old business first.

1. The 2010 visit by Radik Kurbanov, an ethnic Uyghur from Kazakhstan and proponent of the Central Asian healing system known as Elle Ayat was finally covered in a February podcast. Follow-up materials were placed online in the My-Mu.com blog.

2. Response to our request for participation in a Great Uighur Empire conference was less than mediocre and the conference was not held.

3. There was a follow-up to last year's announcement of the discovery of the Naacal Tablets. My great-grandfather, James Churchward reported that he found the Naacal tablets in India in the 1860s and derived many of his theories from the information contained in them. A German gentleman announced that he had re-discovered them in India. We received and posted alleged images of his discovery only to find out that they were not even from India. The tablets in the images are currently on display in a Beirut, Lebanon museum and are not connected with India or the Naacal Tablets. Unless further, substantiated evidence is provided, it has to be labeled a hoax. Every remarkable discovery or revelation has to pass remarkable tests to verify its authenticity.

4. Although the my-mu.com forum was restarted last year to permit a discussion of the Naacal Tablets discovery, it has been removed permanently due to suspicious activity.

5. My new book, "Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men", announced in previous podcasts, was published earlier this year. This is the definitive edition of the 1926 classic and includes 170 new footnotes, an appendix on the Persons of Interest, an appendix on the Printed works and an index.

For new business, we were very happy to receive images from a traveler to Sri Lanka that visited the tea plantation that James owned and worked back in the 1860s. The very paths that James walked and the beautiful views of the countryside were an exciting glimpse into his world. These pictures were also published on our blog.

We were also very happy to receive one of James' paintings in the mail from the family of one of his patrons. Originally created in 1904, the painting, as well as the story about the painting on the back, was also published in the blog and is entitled 'The Silver Hook.' James was a fisherman as well as having a gift for painting.

Another contributor, historian Yannis Deliyannis, has provided invaluable historical information on my great-grandfather, James. Mr. Deliyannis has added a depth to the research that expands the horizons and promotes a better understanding of the real James Churchward. This was apparent when the real information about Princess Arawalli was discovered and posted in the My-Mu.com blog. Further research on James' time in Ceylon and his recreational writings are on deck from information supplied by Mr. Deliyannis.

At the end of May, I appeared on Dolores Canon's 'Metaphysical Hour' internet radio show to speak about my research and the release of my upcoming book.

In June, I attended the 2011 Awakening to Higher Consciousness Transformation Conference in Rogers Arkansas and gave a presentation entitled, "My Mu: the Search for Truth."

In October, I was a guest on the Kevin Smith radio show and we discussed my great-grandfather James Churchward, his theories and my new book.

Each of these were recorded and can be accessed from the website at ltv1.my-mu.com along with some other entertaining videos.

Speaking of videos, this year's podcasts covered the Non-discovery of the Naacal Tablets, my June speech, and an interview with ancient alien expert Philip Coppens entitled, strangely enough, "Ancient Aliens and James Churchward."

I was a panel member in early November on the webinar entitled, "Human Annunaki Origins - What Lies Ahead For The Human Race" and hope to have a video available soon.

Our bookstore has been completely renovated and we hope to add some new documents in the near future. Please check out the bookstore at my-mu.com.

Thanks for listening and have a great day.

The podcast video can be accessed at: Podcast #28

Sunday, October 23, 2011

James Churchward Painting Surfaces... The Silver Hook

James was a fisherman.
In a future blog entry I will produce examples of his articles in 'Forest and Stream' as well as 'American Angler,' but his interest in the outdoor sports has been mentioned here before.

To cut to the point, I received a package in the mail recently that held, among other things, an original painting by James Churchward from 1904. I am indebted to my not-to-be-named benefactor for the contents.

The painting is reproduced below, with the story printed on the back as well.

1904 James Churchward painting

story on reverse of painting

The story reads:
Sometimes ye city gentleman, he's away to the country brook to circumvent the pesky little trout - Sometimes this said pesky little trout refuses to be snared by this city gentleman but there is always the proverbial small boy who does entice this pesky little trout to be attracted to a little willow which he carrys in his hand for that purpose - this little sketch shows the two characters - also the Silver Hook which transfers the string of trout from the boys willow to the city man's creel no one but the boy and himself knows of the transaction hence he goes home and so looked upon by his wifey and chums as a great fisherman "where ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise"
JChurchward Dec. 1904

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Genetics and James Churchward's Theories - an update

While I recently mentioned that all of James' theories could not be dismissed out of hand, I should have also said that James' theories can't be accepted without critical examination.
One instance is the recently published article, "All Non-Africans Part Neanderthal, Genetics Confirm"

James printed this passage in his 1926, Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men:
Now I shall follow ancient man around the world and, by the written records which he has left behind in every country, show beyond controversy the geographical position of Mu. I shall make the start from the United States of North America, because North America and eastern Asia were the two countries where man made his first settlements away from the Motherland.
In their excitement over the discovery of a few old human bones, such as the Neanderthal, Piltdown, and Heidelberg man, scientists, in both Europe and America, have completely ignored and cast aside the remains of ancient man in North America. That the European remains were those of idiots and degenerates is obvious from the abnormal shapes of their skulls. Doubtless they were outcasts from civilized communities. From Valmiki, Druidical works, the Popol Vuh and other ancient writings we learn that such characters were driven into the forests, there to live and die like the beasts. It would appear from many ancient writings that the usual method of disposing of bodies was by cremation, consequently there remained no trace of those whose bones had been consumed by fire.
Churchward, Jack; "Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men"; 2011; page 171.

As the title of the article so succinctly states, 'all non-African humans have Neanderthal DNA.'

The article contains scientific findings that may or may not be believed. On the surface it appears that only Africans have pure human blood and that the remainder of humans are actually not completely human. That kind of sets some racial theories on their heads...

Jack Churchward
Clearwater, Florida

Allya Ayat Followup

Last year, Radik Kurbanov visited my home and we spoke about the Allya Ayat movement. Radik is an ethnic Uyghur from Kazakhstan and the following video was my report:

I have received some materials from member of Allya Ayat and have linked them below:

These were Microsoft Word documents that have been converted to pdfs.
As I was told when Radik visited, the text is a red color, not black because of the negative energies they associate with the color black.

Have a great day,
Jack Churchward
Clearwater, Florida

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Another Submerged Civilization Rises

In a posting from April of last year entitled, "James Churchward's Western India Discovery?," I made mention of the discovery off the western coast of India of a 14 km wall and how it might be correlated to observations that James made in his 1932 book, 'Children of Mu.'

Another recent news report indicates the discovery of yet another submerged wall, this one being 24 km long and it has been dated to 8,000 years old. In "A civilisation as old as Indus valley?," the researchers have dated the wall on the basis of sea level mapping. A slideshow entitled, "Photos: 8000-year-old advanced civilisation in Konkan Coast?" shows the location and unless the 'photos' are photoshopped, the structures are visible in Google maps.

This is another example to indicate that James Churchward and what he wrote can't be dismissed out of hand. These articles point to enormous stone structures from an unknown civilization that either had help from Ancient Aliens or they figured out how to organize the logistics for an enormous civil works project (24 km X 3m X 3m.) While the first is an intriguing thought, the latter, if true shows that an 'advanced' (if organizational and logistical skills count) civilization existed 8,000 years ago.

Wasn't that what James wrote about?

Monday, March 14, 2011

James Churchward and Ceylon (Sri Lanka)

A recent correspondence (edited):

Dear Jack,

It has been a while since I promised to write to you about what I found out in Sri Lanka.

Government Guest House

Government Guest House

I have eventually been there in October last year - traveling with my wife and a friend. I tried to find out a little bit more about the two tea estates - Hatherleigh and Oakhampton, which your great grandfather had once managed. I found only one remaining: Hatherleigh.

Hatherleigh Estate Sign

Old Office Building, Hatherleigh Estate

I had contacted Finlay's beforehand, who are now managing the estate. The district manager, Mr. Dhayan, connected me with the estate manager, Mr. Upendra, who was very generous and took a whole day off to show us around and explain as much as he himself knew about the history. Hatherleigh estate is in a not so frequently visited area but lies in an enchanting setting. There is a long waterfall coming down in the middle of the estate. Most of the land is mixed culture - quite special. So, tea bushes are not growing in a near mono-culture as in the highlands but are mixed with small orchards and even jungle. The estate directly borders Sinaraja Rainforest, which is a National Park today - but also not so frequently visited due to its enormous population of leeches. We found some of them while walking on the estate, or rather they spotted us.

Waterfall, Hatherleigh Estate

Waterfall, Hatherleigh Estate

Visitors/Guest Bungalow, Hatherleigh Estate

Interior, Visitors/Guest Bungalow Hatherleigh Estate

As expected, there are not too many really old buildings left on the estate. The manager bungalow is probably from the late 19th century and so are some of the other buildings except the factory, which has burnt down in the 1960ies and was rebuilt on a different site. Some of them could have been there in this or another form at James' times. From a 1912 map it seems that the locations of the main buildings have not changed though - being the manager bungalow, the nearby office building, another management bungalow and the charming guest bungalow with its direct view on the majestic waterfall.

Management Bungalow, Hatherleigh Estate

Interior, Management Bungalow, Hatherleigh Estate

Management Bungalow, Hatherleigh Estate

Interior, Management Bungalow, Hatherleigh Estate

The estate's boundaries are still the same as when Churchward had been there. The manager told us that this is the case with many estates in Sri Lanka. Even the names remained largely unaltered.

I was not able to find out more about the second estate, which I presume was not far away and maybe neighboring. I only asked a handful of people though and since I could not take too much time due to my friend's need for 'real holiday', we didn't make it to Ratnapura where they have a local museum. The latter should be a good option for the next time, as well as the new planters' club there. An old planters' club was in Rakwana but is now defunct. There is a photo of it though.

Planter's Club, Rakwana

Planter's Club, Rakwana

Brass Bowl, Management Bungalow, Hatherleigh Estate

Brass Bowl, Interior, Management Bungalow, Hatherleigh Estate
The inscription on bowl reads: "Statio bene fida carinis" translated as 'A safe place (harbor) for trustworthy ships' and is the motto of the city of Cork.

Then there is the tea-museum in Kandy which might hold some additional info too.

Rakwana is a very small town in almost walking distance. Hatherleigh is de facto Rakwana and Rakwana is there because of the estate.

Regarding the other estate, Oakhampton: The manager of Hatherleigh told me that today's area where tea is actually planted is much smaller than it was in the 19th century. Apparently they had cut down not on the size of the estate, but on the size of planted areas. As always he complained about the economical situation of the tea industry and that they are not easily able to find workers anymore without giving them additional incentives, etc. I somehow believed him - since obviously the tea exchange in Colombo makes big cuts and the producers are left a bit between them and the labor market. Though Ceylon today is the world's biggest tea producer, it seems to be not highly profitable for the estates themselves. We even 'accidentally' participated in an opening ceremony for a small worker's rest house.

Collecting Tea, Hatherleigh Estate

Old bridge, Hatherleigh Estate

New Factory, Hatherleigh Estate

Visitors/Guest Bungalow Hatherleigh Estate

Just some additional figures: The estate employs around 300 workers all together plus 60 at the factory. They are producing 16 sorts of (black) tea with different rollings, tips and whole leaves, like Orange Pekoe, etc. Of course we drank some and I found it very good. It's rare to get tea that is not blended and really comes from one place only.
On top of guiding us around Mr. Upendra, the estate manager, gave us each a package of F.B.O.P tea and if you or anybody in your family drinks black tea, I would really like to send you one of these packages. Just let me know!

I know agree that the "temple" with the Nacaal tablets has to be in South India and not Ceylon (which back then was counted under "India"). There seems to be no major temple anywhere near Rakwana, almost certainly not a very old one. Though I suspected that earlier, I find it always rewarding to start looking from the fringes towards the center.

However, Hatherleigh Estate lies in an area that is considered as the heartland of the Veddhas, the most ancient tribes that are left over from Lanka's original population. They are somehow similar to Indonesian or Australian Aborigines. Also I found that the area around Hatherleigh was one of the certainly more 'mystical' places from the sites we have seen during our 2-week traveling. Deep gorges, dense jungle and steep hills mingling with fog.

On the road from Rakwana to Surya Kanda

On the road from Rakwana to Surya Kanda

Rediscovery of the Naacal Tablets March 2011 Update

I recently spoke with Thomas Ritter concerning the rediscovery of the Naacal Tablets

Here are the images:

Gopuram (Gate Tower) of the Sri Ekambaranatha Temple in Kanchipuram

and here another picture of the Gate Tower of the Shree Ekambaranatha Temple at Kanchipuram

I made a map from the subterranean tunnel system in which the library is stored away

view of the temple

In the subterranean system there are 10 chambers. In 9 chambers they stored the tablets. In the first 3 chambers the tablets are made fom solid black stone. In the next 3 chambers the tablets are made from gold. In tha last 3 chambers the tablets made from solid silver and brass and an mix of metals wat they callad pachalogha - the so called five holy metals. The 10th chamber is like an small temple with an black Shiva lingam and the statues of the seven holy rishis. In the 9 chambers you find some inscriptions at the walls - they describe the rishis puranas, what means, the live and the deeds of the rishis. I made some pictures from these inscriptions.

second inscription

third inscription

fourth inscription

At chamber no. 1 and chamber no. 4 the priest, who guided me down there to to library, allowed me to take some pictures of the tablets. As attachment of this mail you see one tablet from chamber no. 1

At chamber no. 4 the priest only allowed me to take pictures from 2 tablets, not from all this books there. The 2 tablets he showed me, are a ittle bit damaged. But you can see clearly the inscriptions.

The second tablet from chamber no. 4

Athe end of my visit at this subterranean library the priest, who guided me (his name is Pachayappa), presented a small gift to me. This very small tablet is made from brass, in my opinion. I am not very sure, if it was part of the tablets down there at the library of MU or it was made later. But Pachayappa told me, that the inscriptions at these small tablet are some kind of key to the understanding of the inscriptions of the other tablets. This small item is still with me and I am trying to breach its code. But surely I will need a little help.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Another Mystery Solved - Princess Arawali Uncovered

Well, not any more uncovered than she already appears in the 1926 Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men by James Churchward as shown below.

from page 47 of Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men

Here is the text concerning Princess Arawali:

Page 46:

The accompanying picture is one from a brown race, Arawali, a native of Arorai Island of the Gilbert group, which lies about 4,000 miles southwest of Hawaii.

The picture shows a young lady with an extremely well shaped and well developed head, of pleasing countenance and gentle expression. It has been said of her that "she is a very gentle, lovable woman, but quick-tempered and slightly jealous, but very dignified notwithstanding her wretched surroundings. She is the daughter of the King of Arorai Island."

Arawali's head and face belong to the representative of a high type of civilization, although her dress is that of a savage. Poor Arawali! She is one of a tribe of cannibals, but, strangely enough, she herself has never tasted "long-pig," the euphemistic name applied to human flesh by the natives. In her hand she carries a fan, the ornamentation of which is the royal escutcheon of Mu?the Empire of the Sun.

No ancient record has ever been found that mentions savagery as existing on any spot of the earth's surface prior to the destruction of Mu. Then why did such magnificent specimens of man as the forefathers of the South Sea Islanders become degraded cannibals? Our story of the great calamity that overtook the first race of man answers this question.

from page 49 of Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men

Thanks to the help of historian Yannis Deliyannis, creator and maintainer of the Chronicon Mirabilium blog, he has found an article in the March 26, 1911 edition of the American Weekly magazine section of the San Antonio Light entitled "My Home Life as a Cannibal Island King" and passed it along.

Some excerpts from the 03-26-1911 San Antonio Light (American Weekly Section)

"My Home Life as a Cannibal Island King"

Ex Wall Street Stock Broker, Now a King, Tells How It Feels to Have Numberless Adoring Wives and Rule Over a Race of Hearty Eaters

Arawali from the March 19, 1911 American Weekly Section of the San Antonio Light

The article begins:

"Archibald C. Everett, a former Wall Street stock broker, man about town, Beau Brummel and boulevardier of two continents, has become king of Aroral in the South Sea Islands...

"At last he came to Aroral, in the Gilbert Islands. It is in the midst of of the stupendous maze of islands scattered throughout the Southern Pacific. It is 1,500 miles from Samoa, the neaest place where there are extensive evidences of western civilization.

Mr. Everett fascinated old King Rovaka of Aroral. His handsome appearance, his smart clothes, his easy , genial manner, cultivated in Wall Street and the Gay White Way, captivated the venerable monarch. He begged Mr. Everett to consider everything on his island his, gave him his favorite and handsomest daughter in marriage and named him heir to the throne...

"Home, Sweet Home"
By Archibald C. Everett

Domestic life here is entirely free from the worries that accompany it in the United States and most European countries.

Here I find that a girl not only considers it an honor to marry me, but it costs me nothing and contributes to my support as far as it lies in her modest power.

During the six years I have been king of this island I have never refused to marry a girl, old or young, rich or poor. This, I believe, is the chief secret of my hold on my warm-hearted people.

At least once in each month I take a fresh bride, but I have no rule against admitting larger numbers to my household. Sometimes it happens that I receive as many as a dozen at a time. Families are large and rapidly growing in these islands. Whenever a father has a marriageable daughter he does not know what to do with, he presents her to me as a mark of his loyalty. It is an ancient custom, and I cannot but respect it.

The ceremony is always an occasion for a joyful gathering of the people of this and neighboring islands. Then they display their picturesque native customs. Wreathed in in hibiscus flowers and smiles, men, women and children dance and sing and pledge my health in cocoanut wine for three whole days and nights.

You must not suppose that the frequent acquisition and exchange of wives is destructive of permanent domestic affection. My darling Arawali, the only daughter of the late King Rovaka, has always remained my permanent and most beloved wife. She was the old king's favorite daughter, and when I married her he named me his successor on the throne.

She presides over my household with perfect grace and modesty, never doing anything to disturb my peace and comfort, or that of my newer wives.

My wives are recruited from daughters of neighboring kings and leading chiefs of this island, and even from daughters of poor fishermen, why by their pleasing manners and appearance, may gain a place in my household. They are happy, simple, unaffected little creatures, whose only object in life is to minister to my pleasure and win my approval...


  • Most certainly the Arawali mentioned in the American Weekly magazine article from March 1911 is the same as mentioned in the 1926 'Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men.'

  • There are, however, some differences in the description of Princess Arawali between the accounts.
    James Churchward describes her as
    "she is a very gentle, lovable woman, but quick-tempered and slightly jealous, but very dignified notwithstanding her wretched surroundings. She is the daughter of the King of Arorai Island"

    Mr. Everett describes her as having
    "perfect grace and modesty and never doing anything to disturb his peace or comfort."

  • Another point brought up in the American Weekly article is:

    "As I never question the right of my people to observe their ancient customs, so they never expect me to share in those that are repugnant to me."

    This is as close to mentioning cannibalism/savagery that the article comes, except for the title of the article "My Home Life as a Cannibal Island King."

  • Everett proclaims in the American Weekly article that he had been King for six years. According to an article in the New York Times dated February 16, 1911, it mentions that he was elected King "two years ago" or 1909.

  • Sadly, on July 14th, 1913 the New York Times delivered a message under the title, "ONLY YANKEE KING IS READY TO QUIT" from Archibald Everett, King of Arorai Island to say that he was no longer happy.
    The most obvious aspect of this revelation is that the American Weekly article may have taken liberties and perhaps stretched the truth a little. Perhaps when writing his account, Archibald felt that his then-current station in life was required to be embellished so as to remove the implied stain of his past financial failures.

  • Obviously, James Churchward was reading and consulting the American Weekly section of his local newspaper as early as 1911 or fifteen years before the 1926 publication of "The Lost Continent of Mu Motherland of Men". This is not to say that James read the article in a Texas newspaper, the American Weekly was distributed every Sunday in newspapers owned by the William R. Hearst Corp. James probably read his copy from the New York American.

I also have no information about Mr. Everett's life after July 1913, whether he ever visited his friends, brought his Princess bride to the United States, or what happened.

If any readers know what became of Archibald C. Everett or Princess Arawali, please pass it along and we'll complete the record.

Have a great day,

Jack Churchward

Clearwater, Florida

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Update on the Rediscovery of the Naacal Tablets (Jan. 2011)


I spoke with Klaus Dona recently via Skype and he pointed out an article, in German, under the title, "Die goldene Tempelbibliothek von Mu (The Golden Temple Library of Mu )."
In the online Google translation of the article into English, it appears that Thomas Ritter has found the Temple Library that James Churchward wrote about in the Lost Continent of Mu. The article further states that the priests still like to talk about James.

Mr. Dona also mentioned that Mr. Ritter would be returning soon and would pass along my contact information. I hope to have an interview with Mr. Ritter and/or obtain a statement about his discoveries soon thereafter. If these artifacts turn out to be the real Naacal tablets that James wrote about, then his theories will finally be acceptable to mainstream archaeologists, but it has to be asked, who will translate them if the Rishis are gone?

Have a great day,
Jack Churchward